Development Airpark Samara

Follow the development of Airport Samara in Costa in photos.

Year 2005

The airpark from the sky, the runway is still “hidden” under the grass, but allready excists according to the Costa Rican Aviation.

Airpark Samara from the air

Year 2007

Pieter on the traktor to prepare the runway. It took 2000 trucks of materials to make this runway as it is today.

Airpark Samara construction of the runway

Year 2007

Work in progress on the runway.

Airpark Samara construction of the runway

Year 2008

The runway is being prepared. It gives a good impression from the sky.

The Airpark Samara runway in development

Year 2008

Beautiful trees next to the runway.

The Airpark Samara runway finished

Year 2008

Flight show at the Airpark Samara, several pilots joined this show and together with some local people of Samara it was celebrated with a BBQ party.

The Airpark Samara community

Year 2008

The runway is ready, the financial crisis hit the world and the further development of the airpark was stopped for a while. Although the runway is up and running for the private flight school Fly with Us.

Airpark Samara from the air

Year 2024

In December 2024 the Board of Directors of Green Airways come for an exclusive contract to fly on the runway with private charters and scheduled flights. These are to be booked via This is a special moment celebrated by group picture.

Private charters at Airpark Samara

Year 2025

The first Green Airways charter flight arrived in Januari 2025 at Airpark Samara, booked via  Happy passengers who finally were able to fly direct from San Jose to Samara Airport/Airpark. A week later they flew back from Samara to catch their international flight back to Europe.

Welcome at Airpark Samara